Title: Kya hua tera wada guitar tabs
Movie: Hum kisise kum naheen
Requested by: Raj
This is a beautiful song which needs no description because
everyone knows very well about this. So coming directly to the playing
techniques first, the intro lines having lots of hammers and pull offs (if you
don’t know about hammers and pull offs then check the basics section of this
blog) so you need to learn that if you don’t know already. At some points you
need to move your fingers here and there so fast so it will take little
practice to get that speed. There are lots of slides also which I use
frequently in my playing style. So enough talking, now let’s learn to play the
song. Oh by the way if you get confused at some points then you can check the
video lesson on my youtube channel.
Intro line 1
Intro line 2 (see video for more details)
Intro line 3 (see video for more details)