Title: Banjaara Guitar Tabs
Movie: Ek Villain
This is the second song of movie Ek Villain which I am going to
post here. The song is composed by Mithoon and for me he is the king of melody.
This is one of his magical compositions. I listen this again & again daily.
Honestly the first Para of this song will sound too good on the guitar, second
is good too but tricky to play. The song is very slow and romantic but to play
on the guitar you need to make even flow. So before playing it, practice as
much as you can & remember the notes.
You can also check out the video lesson if you stuck somewhere.
You can find some differences in the video and the tabs available here but
don’t worry about that. The notes are same as given below and you can play the
one note twice thrice or as you like them.
Check out the tabs below:
Jise zindgi dhoond rahi hai
If you are good at hammers and pull offs then you can also play
above line like below:
Kya yeh wo mukaam mera hai
Jahaan chain se bus ruk jaun